help tip of leaf is turning yellow with pics


Well-Known Member
My little seedlings are all doing good but this one. They are in a humidity dome the temps stay at 85f and the humidity is 93%. On this one both leaves on the tips are turning yellow any one can tell me whats wrong with this one? I dont use any nutes yet only water that is 5hp-6ph wanting on the digital ph tester. And the little round leaves are turning yellow to but that happening to all the little ones so i think that is normal but i dont know



Well-Known Member
You lil seedling is doing fine....Its probably about time to get rid of the humidity dome


Well-Known Member
cool if i get rid of the humdity dome my humdity only gets to about 45-50% is that ok and can i use mh blub on these seddlinns and how far from them


Well-Known Member
Your humidity is fine and keep the seedlings at least a few feet away from the MH bulb. They don't need much light at all at this stage.


Well-Known Member
my plants done the same the tips started going yellow i didnt have any ventilation so the heat from my light was cooking them


Active Member
I have the same type of problem going on (plus leaves turning slightly upwards on 2 plants). I am trying to figure out why and if it is a real concern or not. I've heard lack of Iron and Manganese could be the culprit. Or it could be high humidity. I wish someone who knows could shed some light.


Well-Known Member
Little Jonny has to be in a field now with the rest of his kind they grow up so fast.
what? and also looks like whatever your giving it, its getting too much nitrogen thats what my plants looked like but once i cut off the tips with burn on them ( maybe dont do this) they were doing fine! just let it pass see if it gets worse.


Well-Known Member
ok now i think its getting wores heres some pics tell me what you think by the way the temps was in the 89-91 range but now in the low 80sF and low 70sF in the dark and the hum. is in the 35% range



Well-Known Member
mine done exacly the same thing it come down to heat there fine now watch my journal its called blue cheese and jamaican lambsbread!


Well-Known Member
They are hungry. That is a classic Mg and N deficiency. The 6" rule is good for soil but in an inert media (Rockwool or Hydroton) they need food.