Help!! Twisted growth shriveld growth


Hi there I need help figuring out what is the deal with this growth it happen after I feed them and came back to check on them this is how they looked . Could it been I feed them to strong or could it be another issue



Hi there I need help figuring out what is the deal with this growth it happen after I feed them and came back to check on them this is how they looked . Could it been I feed them to strong or could it be another issue
What nutes are you feeding it? What's the NPK? And how much are you putting in per gallon of water?


Well-Known Member
Two things going on here. Leaves have been either over-watered (my guess) or unederwatered with heat stress. The other factor is the "swirlies". That occurs when you change the orientation between the plant and the bulb. The leaves will try to track the light source and remain pointed towards the light. Moving the light source produces the swirlie effect and is that easy to fix -- don't move the plant.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
The other factor is the "swirlies". That occurs when you change the orientation between the plant and the bulb. The leaves will try to track the light source and remain pointed towards the light. Moving the light source produces the swirlie effect and is that easy to fix -- don't move the plant.
The big light bulb in the sky changes the orientation of the light every day and the world's plants don't go all swirly on top nor do the ones I grow under a light mover and turn 180 degrees each day to get more even exposure so that's just not a plausible explanation.

I fed it maxsea 16-16-16, 5 tbsp in a 5 gallon bucket
That is a very heavy dose of strong nutes so that is likely your problem right there tho I also think it might be that top was too close to a heat source like the lights. If all the tops are doing that then it's the overdose of nutes but if it's just the one top then it's heat related. If it were a nutrient deficiency it wouldn't happen all of a sudden. A tsp/gal of those nutes would be more like a normal dose and a Tbsp is 3X a tsp. Were you using a real Tbsp leveled off or a heaping Tbsp? A soup spoon is a lot bigger than real Tbsp too so accurate measurements need accurate tools of measure.

It's so much better to feed less and add more later than to feed too much and have to get rid of the excess. Watch for leaf tips and margins to start burning soon if it is fed too much and I'm pretty sure it is.

Good luck!