Help Unsure what is wrong


Well-Known Member
I have a plant and the leaf tips on some of the leaves are brown and when i touch them they like break up in my hand so im wondering if its the cfls are too close or if it is something else any suggestions


Well-Known Member
i used miracle grow for fertilizer but i am thinking burn because one day i came home and took a look and the leaf had actually grown and touched the light but now i have it further and still another leaf has the same problem.ill try to get a pic tommarow


Well-Known Member
obviously if the leafs were in the cfl growing then its light burnt, but if the others have not touched the bulb and still are toasty tips, its due to nutrients, but if its stops there then it should not be a problem.
It's because of the time-released ferts. The problems with the time-released ferts are:

- It can burn the roots and over-feed young sprouts because it gives them ferts when they should not be getting any ferts at all.

- You cannot control the type of fert or dosage, you get whatever comes mixed in already and released based on a schedule you didn't set.

- You definitely aren't getting separate veg ferts for veg stage and flower ferts for flower stage

- HID lighting in particular can cause the pellets to dissolve faster than they were designed, so that you get too much fert even by Miracle-Gro's calendar

- Those pellets can take a long time to dissolve, so if you are having problems you can't flush to clean your soil

There definitely are some MJ growers who use Miracle Gro with no problems. But there are many more who do have the above problems, so why use a product with so many potential disadvantages that are hard to fix?