Help! urine test, need a cleaner


Well-Known Member
hey sorry not really outdoor related but, just got a new job and gonna have to take a urine test. i should be ok but just wondering if anyone can recommend a good cleaner. it cant be a mask or synthetic.


Well-Known Member
I passed one last fall. I drank lots of water and gatorade and added a pack of pectin to one of the gatorade bottles. I was havn a hoot and trimming when the lady called and said be here tomorow at 2. That was less than 24hrs. Be warned the pectin will go through you fast and come out with some fury. Not sure if its necessary but that's what i found on the net. As long as its the cheapy type test that gives the results right in the lid of the piss container you should be fine.

As for cleaners, Pinesol is an old favorite of mine.


Well-Known Member
Drink a gallon of water before you go to bed. The next day do the same well before you go to the test. You should be pissing clear, by the time you leave the house, and needing to go like every 20 minutes.

When you get there and take the test, aim for the toilet first - break - put a little in the cup - and finish in the toilet.

Should pass as long as it doesn't need to go to the lab or so.


Well-Known Member
Its not about how or why you take drugs, but why should you allow yourself to play this fucked up game at all, go get a 'proper' job, one that cares and looks after their workers, treats their employees as a family to care about, than be used in a pawn of domination and usury ..over 50% of employees have noticed that drug testing of newbies allow the management, to manipulate the workers even more than in non drug testing companies

in other words if you have been drug tested you can expect to pay for parking your car, and never ask for a raise unless you have been their 3 years ....!


Well-Known Member
Its not about how or why you take drugs, but why should you allow yourself to play this fucked up game at all, go get a 'proper' job, one that cares and looks after their workers, treats their employees as a family to care about, than be used in a pawn of domination and usury ..over 50% of employees have noticed that drug testing of newbies allow the management, to manipulate the workers even more than in non drug testing companies

in other words if you have been drug tested you can expect to pay for parking your car, and never ask for a raise unless you have been their 3 years ....!
I'm a heavy equipment operator so I can understand the testing ;) I know some companies that will let you piss again in two weeks, if you fail the first time then you have to pay for the second test. I drive company vehicle and work in the middle of nowhere so don't have to pay for parking.