Help wanted with watering using a Drip system


Well-Known Member
I have one of these Wilma four pot drip systems. Pumps water up in to the pots and drains in to resovoir. System attached to a 24hr timer with 15min intervals.

So my question in this:

How often should i water them for in a 24hr period? I started with 4 waterings a day (waters for 15 mins at a time), but i think thats to much


Well-Known Member
I have mine set to water 3 times per day for 15 minutes at a time using rockwool and expanded clay pellits as a grow medium. It seems to be working great so far.


Well-Known Member
depends on the soil, if your soil can retain a good amount of moisture then you might be or if the soil doesnt retain water well then you might be under doing it, also how many plants are in the resivor? you may have some thirsty plants.


Well-Known Member
If they need it... If they have not popped out of the rockwool yet... if that is what you are using, the it is overtatereed... If it has gotten tnio the clay, then it should be draining fine and 3 times a day would be fine... But you have to listen to yuor plants... not us...


Well-Known Member
sounds sensible to me (makes sense when you say it like that), i asked the question because i dont want to kill off the little darlings. if you over-water (i have a good idea of what they would look like if over-watered), I assume you stop watering until they recover, do they recover ok from over-watering?


Well-Known Member
Yes they do.... MJ really likes to dry out in between waterings, so as long as your clay is draining well, you should be good, but just listen to your little ones... They will tell you a ton...


Well-Known Member
If they need it... If they have not popped out of the rockwool yet... if that is what you are using, the it is overtatereed... If it has gotten tnio the clay, then it should be draining fine and 3 times a day would be fine... But you have to listen to yuor plants... not us...
I agree, ide go with what is recomended first and if any signs of dehydration appear then move to the fourth watering. But if there doing fine where they are keep em there.


Well-Known Member
you know what i use? a water bottle with 1/2 a ice cube in it for a drip system.... i can not begin to tell you how good it works
especialy if you dont want to try to figure out this an that.... it hasnt let me down yet 5 yrs goin strong man