HELP! - Ways to increase soil water retention


Well-Known Member
im working away from home for a while over the summer. right now my plant has been flowering for almost two weeks. i have 1 girl left and i really do not want to lose her. In 2 weeks i will be going away and will will only be at home once or twice a week at best for the next two months. I have seen "crystals" at the nursery that absorb water and therefore increase water retention in the soil. What do the experts use on their plants when water in scare or during a drought?


Well-Known Member
Mulch, but that's for my outdoor plants. How about a ghetto watering system? Poke a hole in a milk jug (or other appropriate container), then silicone in an aquarium airline valve, attach tubing, set the drip for very slow, and go.


Well-Known Member
Once or twice a week might be fine if you mix in some peat moss with the soil. I played around with some soil mixtures and putting peat moss in the mix really made the soil hold water (too long for how I like it):-?