Help what happen to my little babys

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I have 4 autoberry seed that were doing well up un till yesterday what could be the reason the drooped like this
First pic is before next pic is after
light is killing the roots.

roots want total darkness. cover the cubes with a light barrier or they will die.


Well-Known Member
Did it happen before or after you took them in the sun.
For what its worth they have a see through cloner at the grow shop for display. Full of roots.
I asked about the light and they said
the biggest problem with light is algae.

Maybe direct sunlight is different.
It surprised me when I seen it.
no i put them in sunlight after i saw them like that but the cup were see through and the roots were beingit by light.. i totally covered the cubes hopefully they bounce back from that