I would not use it on weed and did not mean to imply that, sorry. But for other horticultural uses it is real effective for soft scales.Malathion is some great but nasty stuff. Be careful about using it in flower as I don't know how it will effect flavor aroma etc.
Do you have any idea AimAim?
I'll tell you what works for me...I had a spidermite infestation and fungus gnats. I used and still use as a preventative, Neem Oil...You can foliar spray, water once a week and it will keep the plant munchers and any other bugs away from your babies..keep in mind some people will tell you it doesn't work, but you have to keep applying it weekly, the plants love it, and it doesn't mess with the taste or potentcy of my ladies, BUT, if used weekly (foliar spray and water after lights out) I guarantee your problem will not be a problem for long...I use it all the time now, and it's fairly cheap..like 7-8 bucks for about a 2 month supply, but you have to mix it with an emulsifier (Organic or Enviormentaly safe dish soap) good luck man...They're spreading quite fast up the stem of the plant. they started off at the bottom and not they're at least half way up the plant.
Does anyone know what this crap is?
It's like a cotton / web type texture and when you quash one it's like greenish blood inside.
Here are some pictures.
View attachment 2611951View attachment 2611954
Probably mold but there is a chance it is a scale insect. There are hundred of varieties that get on all sorts of plants, lots just look like fuzz or mold but actually are colonies of insects attached to the stem. Rub it and if it's juicy could be scale. Heres a pic of some stem scale:
View attachment 2612028View attachment 2612039