Help Whats happening to my girls, Lemon Skunk and purple#1


Active Member
Not sure whats going on...if im over watering or under but something is up...i dont think its what type of soil or the lighting setup because the sytem is a very good...Friends own a hydro a ph tester and the water is great out here in hawaii...i was watering once or twice a day small amounts...the soil got very wet and tiny nats formed...i cleaned up the soil with a fork and stoped watering for 3 days and now the color changes, its only happing to a few plants...and its only on the first to sets of leaves...should i cut them are the plant has been stunted since transplant and grows very slow and the leaves look like crap...but its still getting bigger...the seeds cost alot and are feminized, so i dont want to give up on her...




Well-Known Member
looks like your over feeding, did your friend in the hydro store tell you how much nutes to use.
id cut down on the nutes if i was you.
what is your feeding sced?
and how far on are you?.


Active Member
looks like your over feeding, did your friend in the hydro store tell you how much nutes to use.
id cut down on the nutes if i was you.
what is your feeding sced?
and how far on are you?.

Hey thanks for the reply...what do u mean by using soil not a hydro set using pure blend pro grow fert...the temp stays at around 80 sometimes a little higher...i just put a fan in to dry and help dry the soil out, but i get great ventilation throughout the closest when i have the door open...all the plants were germinated at the same time amd planted about 1 1/2 months are a couple of the full plant one of each the top of the plant looks good...thanks keep the advice coming...


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
hey man that sounds like root rot to me. Watering twice a day is risky. I usually let the soil get really dry then water, or when the plants start to wilt a little bit. I'd lay off the nutes too for a bit cause it might be ph/nuteburn issue.


New Member
are you getting water on the leaves when you water them? Water sitting on the leaves can cause something that looks like that.

Lemon Skunk, sounds interesting. Does it have a lemon smell?


Well-Known Member
Im gonna throw my hat in the ring here...
#1 looks like humidity problem
#2 well who knows man that things unslightly-prob best shit though
#3 you either have nute burn/ph/lockout/micro def-Mr. Bitti looks on target
#4 same as 3
#5 ph/lockout-too much ferts-lockout of something-looks like calcium
#6 looks good, gonna be a tall mo fo-I would drop the lights a bit and keep them as close as poss b/c looks like genetics could be calling for a tall outdoor bitch and with that height and growth rate, lower leaves are going to yellow the whole process.I would opt for some additional side lighting to grow out the side and secondary branches. look into LST-she looks very tall for month and half-she may need more and stronger lumens
#7 same as 6

you should pull one out of the pot very carefully and examine the root ball and tell us what you see.she may becoming root bound b/c she is that tall for 1.5 months Im sure her roots growing just the same.brush off some dirt with clean sterilized hands. i would also ditch that soil and go with something very simple with no nutes.
ph is usually the #1 issue that starts every other issue-you should be using distilled water only-which is ph neutral or 7-but do always check before you feed b/c sometimes the bottle is mislabeled. if you do not have a ppm meter than I suggest against tap water. take some of your distilled water and add some nutes to it and than re take the ph. prob going to go up a bit. so if the runoff (water coming out of bottom after feeding)is say 7.3-than you know to feed with 6.6 or 6.7 ph water. maintained optimal ph is absolute key.

post back with what you discover