help! whats wrong i got pics!


IMG_0175.jpgIMG_0179.jpgIMG_0174.jpgIMG_0176.jpgIMG_0178.jpgIMG_0173.jpgIMG_0177.jpgIMG_0172.jpg plz help im not over watering and the lights are far enough away to not be burning and i even stopped givin nut's for a wile to help it but nothins workin whats wrong with my first plant!!! :o


Well-Known Member
well after you stopped feeding nutrients, the decay on the tip of the leaves continued? it looks like nute burn to me, which can continue until you flush the soil. whats the pH?


not quite sure i dont have a soil ph test =/, and ya it continued after, i flushed wit flora clean today maybe its the salt build up so it cant get anything threw the roots cuz its all blocked from salt?

Hey Psssst

whats your PH....??

also heres a fairly good chart...but don't take as gospel...
but before you start throwing stuff at plants vary ph a .2 up and down... this will change nute uptake at varied levels..

I find best area for soil less and soil is between 6.0 - 6.5.... just don't change more than .2
check new growth for tip burn, twisting leaves...

are you using cal./mg.

and if problem still there in 3-5 days just replant in new medium...


Well-Known Member
are they still dying? the damage that is done is irreversable meaning the dead spots are going to stay dead. if it is not spreading anymore then you solved your problem


ya i bought some flora clean not to long ago and gave it a good flush but i think i might do it again here in a day or so just incase its not totaly flushed clean, we will see what the verdict is =]


Active Member
They look nute burnt, over watered, under lit. Not that thats worth much, but you asked. Sounds like you know how to fix it, just takes more money. And then it takes more money, and after that it takes more fricken money. Good luck


Active Member
Seriously though, good luck to you. It looks like youre giving it a good shot, and you got time into it. I was sincere in my original post as well with my thoughts, take or leave em. Best of luck


Seriously though, good luck to you. It looks like youre giving it a good shot, and you got time into it. I was sincere in my original post as well with my thoughts, take or leave em. Best of luck
ty ;] and i appretiate it, just tryin stuff out and tryin to fix mistakes for the next grow =] thx again!


Well-Known Member
Slight nute burn, lighting you realy realy need better more powerful lights, stop over watering. < now thats said with love :P happy growing


Active Member
i give them water every 3-4days lol
They may only need water every 5 or 6 days. Let the weight of the plant tell you when to water, not the calendar. Once fully watered feel how heavy it is. Then wait till the plant is 60-70% lighter. Just got to get a feel for it.