Help!!!!!!!!! Whats wrong (pics)


4 42 WATT daylight cfls
promix hp medium with worm casting adn using pure blend original nutes and pro b1
lights are 20/4
temps are 25c
very well ventilated
dont no the ph IMG_0526.jpgthis one loks great IMG_0527.jpgthis ones looks like nte burn but i am using the original pure blend and the numbers are very low and imusing half nuts..

can anybody help me with this problems im a firtst time grower


Ursus marijanus
They pegged it. Babies don't do well on grownup food, and plants are no different. You can save these if you lightly flush the Pro-Mix (about 1 pot volume of RO or DI water) and then just water until the plants show appetite. cn