I have a plant in sprouting stage, been that way for 3 days.
Yesterday, I decided to put the plant right underneath my light (160w CFL Dual Spectrum) with each lighting part an inch away.
The soil was damp, I hadn't been feeding it any water from planting after germination, and I had a fan blowing over my box, near my window which was slightly open.
Checking the plant 3 hours later, the coteledons leaves closed themselves and became a brownish green.
I since then, opened the leaves slightly and sprayed some water over them, and placed them further from my light. Checking them again now, it seems they have opened themselves a little more, and appear more green, but my first set of fan leaves seem to have stunted in growth, them being still very small and young, their bases seem green, but the tips look yellow (always have).
Here are some pictures:
Sorry about the focus of the images.
Since the plants show no true signs of dying as of over 12 hourse since moving it away from the light after noticing this, will the plant continue togrow, or is it likely to die on me?
Is there anything I should do to help it?
I keep it now 3 inches from the light, keeping my fan blowing lightly.
Any help or advice is very much appreciated.
Yesterday, I decided to put the plant right underneath my light (160w CFL Dual Spectrum) with each lighting part an inch away.
The soil was damp, I hadn't been feeding it any water from planting after germination, and I had a fan blowing over my box, near my window which was slightly open.
Checking the plant 3 hours later, the coteledons leaves closed themselves and became a brownish green.
I since then, opened the leaves slightly and sprayed some water over them, and placed them further from my light. Checking them again now, it seems they have opened themselves a little more, and appear more green, but my first set of fan leaves seem to have stunted in growth, them being still very small and young, their bases seem green, but the tips look yellow (always have).
Here are some pictures:
Sorry about the focus of the images.
Since the plants show no true signs of dying as of over 12 hourse since moving it away from the light after noticing this, will the plant continue togrow, or is it likely to die on me?
Is there anything I should do to help it?
I keep it now 3 inches from the light, keeping my fan blowing lightly.
Any help or advice is very much appreciated.