HELP will my seedlings be alright


Active Member
hi I got 5 SLH plants and they wer all not growing after it made the first set of fan leaves so I dug one up and the roots hadn't grown , I put the ploblem down to lack of moisture in the coco as I didn't really soak the coco when I potted. they all green no yellowing. I gave them a generous watering and the roots seem to be growing again as the tap roots have reached the bottom. do you think they will be alright and resume normal growth again


Well-Known Member
If they aren't dead yet then you should be able to nurse them back to health...seedling are fairly tough up to a point. To be fair though, it will probably have shocked them and is likely to hit your end yield a little already. Take more care of them next time eh!


Active Member
Its been my experience that with seedlings , they will sometimes stall in growth for a few days as they generate a root system. If you are talking about the first set of pointed leafes that are single bladed , NEVER EVER EVER disturb them by removing them from the pots. Any root damage at this seedling phase of growth is almost surly a death sentence for them. I always wait till the main stalk starts to turn green and is growing in diameter. With any growing medium such as coco if you saturate it at the seedling stage you will drown them. I usually water 2 times a day , but only give them about a half a shot glass of water at a time. letting them dry out a bit in between , this forces the seedling to spread its roots out in search of moisture.