Help......Wind burn??

Could I have wind burn??? or could it be shock? plants went in the ground about 2 wks ago and they arent doing to much at all. it is pretty windy so I thought this might be the problem????


Well-Known Member
99 problems ...but wind burn aint one
first week = transplant stress
what did you transplant it into?
pics and more info plz


Well-Known Member
First of all.. theres no such thing as wind burn.. that was a blonde moment apparently. Second, you need to post pics if you want serious help.
​actually I am blonde! lol My friend had asked me about this question and didnt send pics so I am at a loss myself......I told him to put a barrier up...?


Active Member
Things that come to mind when you mention white spots:

• Mold
• Fert residue

That's all I can think of since I cant really see any pictures. If you could get some images up here I'm sure all us stoners could help out a fellow growmate. :)


Well-Known Member
Things that come to mind when you mention white spots:

• Mold
• Fert residue

That's all I can think of since I cant really see any pictures. If you could get some images up here I'm sure all us stoners could help out a fellow growmate. :)
who said anything about white spots? put the pipe jk
Things that come to mind when you mention white spots:

• Mold
• Fert residue

That's all I can think of since I cant really see any pictures. If you could get some images up here I'm sure all us stoners could help out a fellow growmate. :)
​Ummmm White spots??? I dnt thnk I said ne thing bout white spots? ....I m trying to get him to send pics but he is sketchy on sending frm phone!


Well-Known Member
Wind burn is usually from having a fan right on the plant and is usually just on the part nearest the fan. if the whole plant is affected, then your fan is way too big or you live in a continuous hurricane if outdoors