Help with 3x3 grow tent ventilation


Active Member
I need to figure out how to install 3 fans I have but they have no mounting brackets. I have pics of my tent... Thanks for all the help! I am running a 400 watt hps/mh convertible ballast. As this is my first grow as I am a Michigan MMM cardholder and a woman so please help I know if I dont get these fans the tent will be too hot? How do I run the duct work? how do I put fans in the duct work? PLEASE HELP!!!!DSCI5275.jpgDSCI5273.jpgDSCI5276.jpgDSCI5274.jpg


Active Member
Well you can use those for circulating air within your tent, but for cooling your light you should get an inline fan or something with an enclosure around it. The exposed blades on those fans are going to do more harm than good if you try and put them in flexible ducting like in your tent.

For mounting those within your tent, you're probably best off going to your local hardware store and bringing one with to see if they happen to have compatible mounting brackets, you could try finding something online but you might end up buying something that doesnt attach properly, so thats not really a good way to go, you'll end up wasting time and money. If your hardware stores don't have a solution you can try tracking down the manufacturer to see if theres replacement brackets available, but if thats not an option unfortunately the only other way is DIY.

If you could post a pic of the back side of the fans where they're supposed to attach to the bracket maybe I can help you figure out a DIY solution if you'd like, the pics available its kinda hard to tell how those are supposed to mount.

Good luck with your first grow :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I pretty much have the same tent but use a cooltube setup. The 400w open face light is going to need a lot of air movement to control your temps. Exhaust and intake both are going to important......Personally I use a centifugal fan as intake for fresh air and another to exhaust my heat.....Ventilate well and you're all set!
Those fans you have are going to be a problem to make use of......ductfans are too weak to be very adjustable and don't impress with output.....good luck!


Well-Known Member
Tent growing requires an inline fan for sure. I personally would go with a 6" for that size tent and hook it up to a fan speed controller. But you might be able to get away with a 4" depending on the ambient temperatures of your grow area. I have a 3'x3'x6' Secret Jardin tent with a 400w MH/HPS and a 6" 435cfm fan for exhaust and passive intake flaps open.
I have the htg euro reflector with 6" in/out. also using the 4" carbon filter can fan combo. with outside temps around 73 the tent stays at 79-82. It ran around 85 for the first couple days. I reduce to 4" at the filter then run 6" to the reflector, then 6" to the fan... and reduce back to 4" at the fan. My tent is a tad smaller than 3x3.... about 6'6'' tall. oh, its a 400w hps, with mag ballast. the fan blows out to the ballast.

during lights on I have a cyclone fan that blows from outside the closet to my 6" intake at the bottom of the tent.

I know this doesnt apply directly to you, but hopefully it helps someone.

I am able to keep the glass from the reflector about 8" away from the canopy without burning.