Help with "BAC daily"

I was given a fee bottle of "BAC Daily" at a hydro store when I mentioned that I wanted to get into adding microbes into my dwc. I don't really know much about it and was hoping someone here might have some info on this stuff.
I'm planning on growing in a dwc(maybe a hybrid aero) With GH 3 part nutes, BAC Zegraas kelp(also got this for free), Cal mag and hygrozyme to help prevent root rot(can't get hydroguard in Canada). The bac daily says not to use additional enzymes, so should I avoid using hygrozyme? Or maybe just use every few water changes to clean off my roots?

This is all I could find on BAC daily, if anyone has any additional info about this stuff id appreciate it.

BAC Daily is a vegan, organic additive that encourages the multiplication of beneficial micro-organisms in your medium, improving the absorption and transport of nutrients throughout the plant. These micro-organisms facilitate the creation and binding of oxygen in the capillary and help protect against various diseases. BAC Daily also increases the pH value near the root.
BAC Daily has a cleaning effect that prevents drippers and hoses from becoming blocked.

The use of additional enzymes with BAC Daily is not recommended. Store product only in its original packaging, Keep away from frost and light. Keep out of reach of children. Shake well before use. Do not store below 8º Celsius.