Help with best system type for these parameters

I have done a lot of reading and have experience using ebb and flow before, but I really have to ask, what is the best system to use to max yields?

Thus far I am thinking sog.

If I had a 4Wx8Lx5-1/2H space to flower in, this does not include veg/clone space.

Temperature, humidity, ph, and co2 are all controlled. Nutes will likely be lucas formula for simplicity + koolbloom combo. Room is sealed, lights vented by ducting (intake and exhaust from elsewhere outside room).

I am leaning toward doing a sog with two 2x8 foot DIY aeroflos.

This would set up a harvest every 4-5 weeks or so. I have drawn inspiration from this from stinkbud and other sources.

Anyway, I have heard, just recently, that sog might not be to my advantage do to the height of the room?

Other than a high pressure aero (which I don't want to mess with)

what is the best system to use to maximize this area?