Help with bi bud


Active Member
Hello, I have two BIG BUD plants in the fourth week of vegetation, look great but are very drooping leaves, very left, they grow in soil, 250 watt sodium bulb, temperature is good, can you give me an advice ?? I USE FLORA NOVA GROW NUTRIENT.


Well-Known Member
Droopy leaves can mean so many things and sometimes nothing at all. Some plants just droop. A few things that have caused droop for me were over watering, underwatering, and not having good air circulation.

Do you have an oscillating fan in there to keep the air moving?
Do you wait til the soil is dry before watering again?
If yes for either of these then I would ask myyself, Are the plants withered while drooping?
If no to that and everything is going how it should be then I would chalk it up to genetics and not worry.
If it seems stunted and does not grow then maybe it could be something else and I am not sure.
Good luck.


Active Member
i have 2 oscillation fan,i water them every 3-4 days. they grow very quickly so far, are in the fourth week of vegetation, but several days have not increased like that before, the leaves are drooping,the colour is beautiful green,i use 24/0 light-dark.


Well-Known Member
When do you check your plants? At "lights on" most plants look a little droopy and then perk up after the lights are on for a while. If they look healthy and keep growing maybe they are fine. Casn be so many things wrong or nothing at all. Pics will help a bit.


Active Member
today i looked at them, change the program to 18 hours light 6 hours dark ?? maybe too much light ?


Well-Known Member
My babies like 20 - 4. I'm wondering if you go from 24 - 0, to 18 - 6 will it cause the plants to start budding because of the large light change. But at the same time if ur in week 4 of veg, then you should be about ready for 12 - 12 bloom time.