Thanks MrGreenFingers and rkymtnman! My only rationale for keeping it in that smaller container was to make it less noticeable to my girl - I keep it next to the aquarium and she is less likely to focus on it and start asking questions than if I had it in a big 5 gallon bucket. But I will buy a 5 gallon bucket this weekend and make the switch!
I used the TDS meter in the distilled water my plant is now in and it was literally 5. That compares to 386 for the aquarium right next to it. So I think it proves that stuff really was distilled and pure!
I tested the PH as well, and per my PH strips it looked to be right around 6. This comports this link which says even though distilled water is 7 right after distilling, it quickly drops to around 5.8 due to carbon dioxide it absorbs from the air:
The pH of distilled water immediately after distillation is 7, but within two hours after distillation, it has absorbed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and become acidic with a pH of 5.8.
So below is a picture of the res with the 3 lights very close, one RIGHT above it. These are true 100w (not the incandescent bulb "equivalent" rating, true 100w supposedly, full spectrum). Could those be doing any damage as too much bright? I used the light meter app on my phone to try and measure their brightness, it is kind of crummy, could be anywhere from 10,000 lx to 40,000 lx right where the leaves are situated. I would guess that is OK, and it seems ok as the top, newer leaves, closest to the light, seem to be the ones without abnormalities, but thought I would ask to make sure.
Any reason I cannot use the fert below, which I bought at Wal-Mart, to get the TDS up to 100 or so after a couple of days?
MrGreenFingers, that plant looks AWESOME, and is probably about the same age as my much smaller one lol. How did you germinate it, using what kind of water, etc.? I have two seeds that I think did not germinate, going to try again with a couple more. I think I need to use just distilled water, put a little in a container to a level of say 1/4th inch, set the rockwool with the seeds in them (with a small piece of rockwool pulled off and stuck over the hole to keep out light) in the container and let it absorb the water up (without crushing the rockwool). but the container on a heat pad, and put under a light (a weak light is ok at this point). Any issues with that approach?

By the way, I got that fert with the lower nitrates because I can get all the nitrates I want and them some from my aquariums, figured I can over time use mostly old aquarium water and supplement a little with this as needed for the phosphates and potassium. Thanks!!!