Help With Design


Ok, well ive done about 4 months of research and im ready to go!

Before i begin there are no budget restrictions on start up costs but i would like this to somewhat energy efficent!

My requirements and room dimensions :

veg for 4 weeks, flower for 8

-8 foot ceilings
-36 plants
-plant size to be 4-5 feet
-harvesting every 4 weeks
-(see picture) - clean room, clone/mother room, veg room, 2 flower rooms ( so i can harvest every 4 weeks,
-aeroponic cloner - RDWC for veg and and flower rooms, (was gonna go with ebb and flo but rdwc seems to be the shit! no timers and clean out every 24-28 days which will be at harvest making it ideal as i will be switching plants from 1 room to another anyways)
-cch2o rdwc units OR maybe i should go ebb and flo?

i added two pictures im new to this re sizing thing so i hope they turn out ok. if you need any additional info let me know

