Help with DIY COB setup


hi guys, i'm from Chile (South America) and i'm planning on building a 300W COB system, these are the list of products i have at the moment but i don't know if there is anything better/cheaper that you would recommend!

6pcs - CLU048 1212 cob
6pcs - thermal tape
6sets - Ideal 50-2204CT + Ideal 50-2100AN + Reflector
6pcs - Pre-drilled heatsink 5pcs - Wago 222-412
1pcs - MW HLG-320H-C1400B
1pcs - TOCOS (soldered) 100K linear potentiometer
6 sets Screws+ 7pcs Cables

is this a good set for a begginer that wants a nice price/quality relation and efficency obviously?

I only know Kingbrite as distributor but i'm open to new ones if you guys have some.
(i sent an email to CobKits but i haven't got an answer back, i think it's because he is on a trip till monday or something)

The shipping is kinda expensive (USD 115) and the kit costs about USD 229.
Also i wanted to know if the reflectors are good enough or is it better to go for lenses that are like 20 dollars more in total.

Thanks a lot! Looking forward to learn from you guys!
If you grow in a tent you don't need reflectors.. They do work well in open room grows...
I would wait to hear from cobkits.. He'll fix you up...
I agree with Dan-I found measured better(more even) coverage without the reflectors. What kind of footprint are you trying to cover? The component list looks like it should work fine.