Help With Fans

First time grower first time poster in need of a bit of help.

Starter growing in the last week and a half didn't realise i needed a fan untill i had 4'' tall wiry stems. So got a fan today and know it will take a few day but hopefully they'll recover. So my question is how long does the fan need to be on each day and will it need to be on the whole way through the growing and flowering proceses?


Active Member
First time grower first time poster in need of a bit of help.

Starter growing in the last week and a half didn't realise i needed a fan untill i had 4'' tall wiry stems. So got a fan today and know it will take a few day but hopefully they'll recover. So my question is how long does the fan need to be on each day and will it need to be on the whole way through the growing and flowering proceses?
keep it on at all times it helps with air circulation and promotes stem growth and keeps the stalks sturdy, if your stems are very tall and lanky you should cover your seedlings up to their cotyldons and leave the fan on em in 2 days the stem will be twice as thick guaranteed