Help with Flower Stage


Active Member
bluish spectrum around 6700k is best for vegging...and a redish orange that imitates the fall sun is around 2800k best for flowering..switch spectrums from blue to red and 12/12 when ur ready to start flowering


Well-Known Member
use the CFL's with the most power all the way through. plants prefer blue anyway.

Only reason blue is bad for HID is bulb life and more heat than HPS.... but the blue light from CFL will be far more beneficial than the red CFL no matter the stage of growth. a photon is a photon, a blue photon is more potent than a red one. CFL's are not very good for flower, so better off using the more powerful blue bulbs all the way through.


Active Member
idk..i did a indoor grow with 2800k cfls u loose wattage and lumens but i conpisated with just more buds grew tight and heavy...jus go with HID and b done with it