Help with flushing out a larger then normal grow.. (non newb question)


Been trying to search everywhere and I haven't found anything. So I have a large grow of death star and usually take the time to flush out every single plant by moving them out of the room and running gallons of water through it.

The question is does anyone have a good method of flushing where I could leave the plants in the room? I do not have a drain in the room so I need an option of removing the water after the flush.

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance
Make a drainage system. Elevate plants off the floor and drain into a pan or tub of some kind that can either be slid out from underneath and dumped or shop vacced up.

Sir KK

PS. Thou ive never done it, it shouldnt be to hard to set up a float switch to a water pump that would pump the water out through the lines and into a sink/toilet/drain.
What I would do is make a custom trey that drians well and set as many plants on them as possible and then rid a pupm to flow the water to each plants based on the size of each container and had a res that can hold that exact amount of water.

when its empty you can remove them ten let them drain out a bit more then put hem back under the lights.
the problem is I really just don't want to move them out of the room. they are starting to fall all over the place plus the stank while draining is unbelievable.. normally I would take them all out and line up 10 33 gallon tups and place 2x4's across all of them. I could usually get 2 per tup. this works but I'm just looking for a more efficient way to accomplish the flush.