help with grow room setup


hello there. im new on this forum, and if in the future i will have bad spelling, i apologise in advance because english is not my native language.

So, im about to start a grow, i want to purchase a 600w hps ready to grow kit from , and im in doubt about certain features. they say that i can grow 18 plants under it. my target is to grow about 15 plants from seed, 10 DP The Ultimate and 5 DP white whidow. i want to veg them for about 1 month. When the plants flower will they all fit under tha 600W ? on the site it sais that the 600W covers about 2.1 square meters. if anybody can tell me the full dimensions these plants achieve at maximum, so i can figure out if they will fit under it. Also im going to put this sistem in a room. i dont have closet or something like this where i am going to grow. just a simple empty room. Any advice on how can i best grow in this empty room. I love this forum, not really the poster type because my english is not that good, but i read alot, really good and usefull info here. hope some of you guys have mercy on a 1st time grower and share the wisdom. i am gratefull in advance for the replies. also i wish i can post in this same thread come other questions i will have in the future. peace


also im sorry for not having an order in my exprimation in the post above, but im baked and dont really do well with english

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
wow..i can only get 15 and i run 4 x 600 watters. gonna be some small plants to get that many under only 1 light. a 600 will give about 4x4 good light footprint. and each needs about 1 square foot per plant, so you might be lucky to get 4 under 1 light.


Member seems like i cant fit 15 plant...but why does the site say its suitable for 18 plants ? sog maybe ? hmmm
in ur oppinion how many plants can i get under that light ?
if y get 2 x 400W sistems would i be puttin more plants than 1 600w ? how about 2 600W bulbs ?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
sale crap is why so you come back and buy more lights. of course you can fit more plants under 2 x 400 than 1 600. more footprint but less lumen pentration. 2 x 400 should throw about a 3x3 each. and 1 x 600 will throw about a 4x4 erea. you can do 15 but need to be way small. and finish no larger than about 1.5 foot tall. so begin to flower at 8 inches or so


hmmm...i think i can afford another 600W hps. another idea is to buy another 600W lightkit
with an double action ballast(mh&hps) and i could veg under the mh , and then flower with the 2 hps. is this a good idea ? i've read that the ultimate and WW dont grow very tall, but i dont know what to say about width. so i guess with 2hps of 600W i can grow 10-12 plants so they achieve a medium yield ? thank you very much to all 4 replying and helping me out.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
only real way is to run em yourself and see. you grow diff than anyone else. id stay away from those typoes of kits anyways. usualy get way inferior equipment


Active Member
There's no set number of plants you can fit into X number of square feet. If you veg for a short period of time, you're going to have really small plants so you can fit shit loads of them into a 2x2 area, but if you veg for like a month or something you're not going to fit anywhere near the same amount in that same 2x2 area. It's all about your preference if you want 20 really small plants or 5 plants that you veg for a decent period of time.


i understand. i decided to go for 2 hps and 1 mh
ill veg for 3-4 weeks, and the lights should be enough for 15 plants i think, i hope.i have space but i want to give them enough light. so if i veg for 3-4 weeks DP's WW and The ultimate, how many plants shuld be okay under 2 x600W hps ? Also if i get a 600W MH/HPS ballast, can i fit a 400W mh lamp? i know its a idiot question but i really dont know, i googled it but didnt find anything

i just want to mention one thing: u guys are amazing for the ammount of info u share on this forum, and this forum RULLZ

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
using mh these days with betetr bulbs is jkinda not needed anymore. use dual spec horti and be fine with all hps and get morte lumens...they have blue in them, asnd again as said above you wont know how many plants under any amount of lights till you do it and see what style is for you and your space, like topping? no toppin...and so on.