Help with harvesting? Days before cutting


Active Member
Someone told me right before you decide to harvest your plants (after flushing) let the plants sit in the pot in dark light for a few days. I have done extensive reading and have found no such thing? I know to hang them in the dark after cutting them. But not sitting in the pot? I would imagine it would increase the risk of getting root rot. Please prove me right! Thanks...


Well-Known Member
Supposedly it stimulates the plant to react as if it's going to die, and in a last ditch effort to survive it produces a bunch more resin. Supposed to make it more potent. I was just about to post the same question!


Active Member
thanks for the input so far.. anyone else got suggestions??? anyone actually do this method on a norm basis? I can only imagine maybe doing it a few days... but he was saying almost a week.


Well-Known Member
Tried it, saw no marked improvement, wouldnt recommend it. This is time the bud could be spending drying or finishing maturing under the light.
The "stressing your plants causes them to produce more resin" debate is as old as the hills. its really up to you to make up your own mind on that one.


Well-Known Member
yea i've been hearing a lot about this, debating it myself. if i do it'll probably just be for 24 hours or so hmm i'll cross that bridge when i get to it


Well-Known Member
I have heard that cutting the light back from 12/12 to like 6/18 to hurry the ripening is posible, maybe it has something to do with that. I don't know for sure it will hurry the plants to ripen or not. People I know have always wanted the plants to NOT ripen quickly so the buds grow as large as possible before they ripen.


Well-Known Member
ive done it man and i noticed a big diffrence every time put it in 36hrs of darkness before harvest i promise you it works