Help with Hermied Mother, Fem Seeds and breeding new strain.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Its been a LLLOOONNNGG time since ive been here! Even longer since I've been in the growing scene! Long story as to why, which I wont bore you guys with dont worry ;).

With that said, I have been growing a few mothers the past 3-4 months roughly. since then, I've cutt about 20 clones or so from each of them off and on throughout a few months. Now one of them, my most favorite strain, "Deep Purple", nearly died.. (fire/forced evacuation). When coming back, I was lucky to have all of them alive. But 1, my deep purple was hit the worst.. About half of the entire plant died, and I had to remove it. The past 3-4 weeks It bounced back perfectly, paid it alot of attention, looked very healthy and as far as I knew, as it was in a prime environment. However just today I noticed that shes growing seeds on the very top most branches.. I find it weird that my mothers are slightly flowering a bit when they are under 24 hours of light. But my deep purple strain is 100% showing early seed production cluster/sacks on every top most branches of the plant... I am very concerned as I currently only have 1 clones left of the deep purple, and I'd hate to have to turn it into a new mother all over... Now that ive expressed all that, I have a couple questions that I hope I can get some insight on.

1. Can I save my mother?? I've heard that if it hermies, its basically donzo... Any clones from here on out, will most likley have a risk of having a hermaphrodite gene within them now.. As well, even know my mother is in veg, it is for some reason growing seeds still... The fact its flowering when it shouldnt be flowering is leading me to believe this genetics are tainted now... What is any advice on this? Should I keep it and hope it reverts goes back to normal? Or just not waste my time with tainted genetics?

2. If it did Hermie, would it be worth growing the seeds to get feminized seeds? Im not to familiar with feminized seeds, so any advice with this would be helpful.

3. should I possibly flower the hermied mother, take the pollen from the seeds that mature/crack open, and cross it with a different strain that I desired, creating a whole new strain??

Any advice and/or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, thanks.
uh oh. sorry to say but yeah that clone is donzo theres a method i use with my outdoor where i pit them in pitch blackness for 7 days straight no water hoping it dies with the seeds then brings it back as a girl its worked 50% of the time but there will always be ALOT of seeds in it which i reuse
If plants hermie hard where you're seeing seeds all over its time to throw them away. Especially if it wasn't a case of accidental pollination etc. You can look up seeds & do a phenotype hunt to find another good Deep Purple? I like to share my cuts of my favorite strains to a few other growers that I trust and respect so that if anything ever goes wrong I can fall back on them having clones.

You don't want plants that are going to herm or known to herm.
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For sure thanks guys. I feared this was the case... I guess I'll have to trash it... :( That is the option to buy another deep pruple seed, but this particuylar strain is from a tender that doesnt exist anymore and was some prime genetics... I truly will be sad to start the hunt for my desired tender again.. But, seems I will have to trash the deep pruple sadly.. Thanks for the advice guys. Any idea why this particular mother and a few other mothers are shwoing early signs of flowering when under 24 hours of light?

Anyways, im curious though. The clones that I cutt from the mother, PRIOR to the hermie, Im talking like, a month ago, its and older clone, would this still possibly be salvageable to turn into a new mother? Or is this clones screwed as well? Im not sure as this clone was taken a long time before it was severely stressed/hermied.

Thanks guys!
THEY NEED SLEEP!!! if your not allowing your plants to sleep your are stressing it that could be what turned it male
THEY NEED SLEEP!!! if your not allowing your plants to sleep your are stressing it that could be what turned it male
Really? Ive never heard of this.... I know that its a popular rule of thumb to give your veg a 18/6 cycle. But Im a firm believer that more light, equals more photosynthesis, equals faster growth.. (Personal preference I suppose) But I have NEVER in my 12 years of growing, ever had plants hermy due to 24 hours of light... Sorry man, but this is untrue... Thank anyways for you advice though.

If anything, I belive it could be the combination of half the plant nearly dying from my evacuation, on top of the sudden change in temp... It was nearly 85-90* F every day (Inside the grow room) (was way hotter outside trust me). Going to a steady 67-75 F. I believe the combination is what stressed it out enough. But, still concerned why my other mothers are just fine? 1 mother is younger even...
If plants hermie hard where you're seeing seeds all over its time to throw them away. Especially if it wasn't a case of accidental pollination etc. You can look up seeds & do a phenotype hunt to find another good Deep Purple? I like to share my cuts of my favorite strains to a few other growers that I trust and respect so that if anything ever goes wrong I can fall back on them having clones.

You don't want plants that are going to herm or known to herm.
Also, ive heard of people purposely stressing their plants out so that they can cross breed it with itself and produce feminized seeds? I was looking into Fem seeds a while ago and remember reading something about this. Thats why I was curious, since this unfortunately happened against my will, would I possibly be able to benefit from this, and turn it around into a fem Seed production? Thanks.