help with hps lights


so i just bought a 400 watt light today and have it hanging above my plants. My question is how high should the light be above the plants so that they get maximum light without burning them?


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb is to place your hand under the light level with the top of your plant with the backside of your hand facing the light, if its pretty hot on the back of your hand then its to hot for your plant.

Also just use your sight and feel, if the top leaves start getting "paper like" and dry then they are loosing water faster then the roots can soak it up. This will tell you the lights are to close as well.


Well-Known Member
Are you aircooled? if so start at 12 inchs from plant tops. When the plants grow to 9 inches move the light back to 12 inches...

do this....get a string and hang it from the chain holding the hood. Measure the string for 12 inchs below light and put a tiny weight (bolt or washer) on the end. Hang it just next to the light. You will always know when time to move light and when they have a growth spurt. No guessing now...