Help with Identifying Strain... It is one of five types.


Hi everyone... got a question. I'm at about 30 days into flowering with my first grow!!! And dang I'm loving it, haha. I have a question for the community though. I have 5 plants going right now, 4 are white widow... the last I'm not quite sure of.

I originally planted 5 various free seeds that I got from attitude. My first grow, I didn't want to fuck up 5 good white widow seeds that I paid for. Well, I fucked those up and none of them sprouted, I think I packed the rockwool too tight. Anyway, After a month nothing popped up so I decided to start fresh with 5 WW (got four out of five growing). When I planted those, I decided to take a look at the previous seeds and see what they looked like. Well, all five of them popped, however, none of them made it to the surface, which leads me to believe that I packed the rockwool in too tight. I was curious so I replanted those five into fresh rockwool, to my surprise one of them sprouted and started growing!!! Unfortunately, I lost track of which seed was which thinking that they wouldn't grow. So I have 4 WW and one unknown. This plant was looking like a shrimp compared to the WW, then all of a sudden about 3 weeks into flowering it stretched and got these two colas that are looking pretty sexy.

Here are the choices followed by pictures... anyone have any idea which one it might be?

Dinafem Blue Hash
Dinafem Blue Widow
G13 Pineapple Express
G13 Skunk #1
TH Seeds Burmese Kush

Here are the pictures:

If looking at the whole grow, it is the two cola's in the back left of the cabinet.

Here it's the two back ones...

And more detailed pictures

Any thoughts? I was thinking blue widow, but I could be wrong.... any input is much appreciated. They starting to get frosty!!! = )

Thanks everyone


Active Member
I think you may be right about it being blue hash...I grew it last go around but gave it away.

We are in similar situation :wall:


Active Member
He needed it badly for pain, it was a quicker plant than the other strains I grew. I can only medicate so much. But I like to grow two or three times a year. From what I remember the test buds were good :lol:


Cool... I've read mixed things about the strain, but it has potential... If it is blue widow, one thing I worry about is that the blue widow has (according to Attitude) a shorter flowering time than my White Widows... Not sure what I'm going to do about that.


Well-Known Member
hmm i think your both wrong i would say pineappl express ,that photo shows a sativa dom plant neither the widow or hash plant is that.widow has monstrous wide leaves and the hash plant just don't resemble that at least from attitudes pics.
What's it smell like?


ThegrowerMOJO: I see what you mean about the leaves are definitely sativa dominate plant. Right now, this being my first grow, i don't really mind what it turns out to be, haha. I'm just happy it's growing! Although I do kind of hope it is the pineapple... Me wants to try, haha. Thanks for your input!

Irie Genetics: That's good to know... I'm not too familiar with different strains and the seed companies yet- hope to be learning quick though! It seemed to be taking on more of a definable quality as the buds start going crazy, but I can understand how it they could look the same for a while yet; I'm just too excited to figure out, haha. I'm just amazing how much growth is happening in the buds from day to day, and that's in all my plants. Thanks for the input and I will update as things keep going.


Well-Known Member
at first glance i was thinking a pineapple, but after looking closer at the other photos I would rule that one out. Would also rule out the skunk.
currently growing blue widow, but im not that far along so I cant say there.

based on what ive seen of these plants though my guess would be like the originals say, one of the blue's from dina.


Thanks all for the input... It's still filling out... every day the buds are filling out!

Ire: Okay, might be because I wasn't logged in... I'm on Tor network so I never logged into my facebook through that. I'll try at another computer.

Here are some picture updates!
The Two Back Colas:

Looking really yummy =)



Irie: Just checked out your facebook... some great looking pictures there! Looks very similar, if it is the same, hope mine fills out like that, haha!

I'm at 5 and half weeks right now... When did you harvest? How'd they do, how was the smoke?

Irie Genetics

Active Member
Irie: Just checked out your facebook... some great looking pictures there! Looks very similar, if it is the same, hope mine fills out like that, haha!

I'm at 5 and half weeks right now... When did you harvest? How'd they do, how was the smoke?
I cut mine at 60 days. I didnt like the flavor but two of my friends LOVE it. Im a kush smoker and you can tell by my photos that I have a nice stash to choose from. It tastes more like Widow than Berry. I have a patient with muscle spasms and restless legs and it helped him sleep thru the night without waking up with leg cramps. Sometimes the most random strains seem to be the most effective...
Keep posting pics, you're lookin' great!


Cool, thanks for the info. And thanks, pizzapuffer! First grow so I'm happy with any results I get, haha. Every stage and every new thing that happens is exciting, yet stressful, and all sorts of other things! You can read all you want and research buttloads but until you actually grow, you'll not know what to expect! It is definitely a learning experience, but I'm happy with what is happening so far! I can't wait to taste the fruits of the labor (which isn't much really, carrying and emptying a 5 gallon jug). Has to be very satisfying knowing where and what went into making what you are putting into your body.

This is more of a general question. If you look at the overall pictures of my plants, the lower halves of them are turning yellow, that is branches leaves and everything. Is that common toward the last stages of flowering? From what I've read it is because of a nitrogen deficiency, which is what happens toward the later stages of flowering so I'm not sure if I'm worrying over something natural or if I should be attempting to remedy it. Curious what I should be expecting in the last stages here.



Active Member
your grow looks amazing keep up the good work!!!!(in the later stages of flowering the bottom fan leaves etc are the first to go as the plant stops using nitrogen)


Yay... guess I just gotta keep an eye on the trichomes now, the unknown is going crazy with them... the white widows from what I hear tends to go crazy in the last couple weeks. Can't believe it is coming to a close... I think it is still a couple weeks away but I'm excited.

My only problem is that I think the unknown will be ready before the white widows. I don't think I can flush it since they are all in the same reservoir and I don't want to take nutes away from the WW. Kinda stinks. Also can't put it in preharvest darkness in fear of screwing with the WW. Sad but gotta make it work somehow.

Can't wait for my first smoke report, haha. Kinda wished that I journaled this experience, I have pics for along the way so maybe I can make something up.