Help with indoor growing, seedling stage


I have a germinated seed that was germinated for 2 days in a paper towel with a heating pad. I put the seed in the soil with the taproot facing almost sideways, i was wondering if it would harm it to transport it to another cup of soil because the water i used was tainted, i already moved it i just would like to know how bad it will stunt it's growth. also is the lighting i have good enough, I have 2 CFL lights one 6500k spectrum the one i'm using now with 1,600 lumens and the other 2500k cfl with 1,600 lumen both 100w will this be enough light during the vegetative and flowering stage?

(6500k for vegetative, 2500k for flowering)


Hey there Emberbane! Hope you are doing awesome. So it has been a few days since you have posted this so i hope your precious beans popped through and are thriving! As long as you handle that seed very carefully avoiding touching the white tap root, handling by the shell husk, the shock should be minimal. GENTLE is key. It should turn around and start taking off here any day if not already. I will suggest however, to add more light if possible. I know sometimes it is hard with our different environments and situations, but you will see dramatic growth rate if you add more 6500k bulbs. You say you have one currently and one 2700k... I would add at least 2 more 6500k even if that means replacing the 2700k with a 6500k. With cfl's not putting off much heat the closer to the plant the better the results you will see. With your babies being in the vegetative stage they REALLY like that blue spectrum and will thrive under that. Once in flowering stage then start loading it down with multiple 2700ks. The more blue the more vegetative growth. I fear if you stick with only one bulb of each spectrum throughout its whole life cycle you will be left with lanky stretched out plants with fluffy buds and disappointing yields. I hope this helps you out even a little!! Peace and love all