help with leaf prob with pic


Well-Known Member
Might just be a lower leaf that was lacking light, if all your leaves are doing that then I would say you need to feed that lady


Well-Known Member
more pics! can upload as many as you want man...fill up the post...the more pics and the more information about your grow the better the response you'll get...or you'll just get inaccurate responses from people who think they know it all...provide moar data!!


Well-Known Member
yeah...bottom leaf that didn't get much light...looks a little bit overwatered and slightly undernuted in a few pics, but other than that looks good...get the lights a close as possible without burning...i'd start bumping up your nutrients a bit as you'll need em for good flower productions, but keep your waterings spaced to let the soil dry out :)


Well-Known Member
if you give us even more details like PH/PPM/soil type/nutes type/light type/wattage, we can help even more :)


Active Member
sorry should have stated this

they are apple jack strains which i crossed myself (ww seed) (jack herer seed which was male) they are day 12 into 12/12

they are in bio bizz light miz in 10l pots they get water about 3 times a week with 2l of water a feed

i am using AN nutes ph perfect micro grow bloom iv been using it at 4ml per litre(full strength) of each and i used bud blood for the first 10 days of 12/12
i am goign to start to use big bud as well as my base nutes for two weeks and then stop that and start overdrive for 2 weeks and then a flush with bud candy for 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
I have used advanced nutes for years and I would recommend that if your gonna use their bloom food to supplement with some type of calmag.. Especially if your in soil.


Well-Known Member
keep your current water/feeding regiment and add some calmag(dolomite lime has both calcium and magnesium in it if you dont want to pay high fert prices), but other than that...the plants look fine...


Well-Known Member
IMO tho lime doesn't provide enough to keep the plant happy, so supplementing with a calmag would work


Well-Known Member
looks like it is just hungry. Those above would know more than me what for. but its only bottom leaves which imo means its using the stored up stuff from them. my 2c