Help with my 12 week auto plant


New Member
Hello everyone I was just wondering if you guys can give me a few tips or advice with my plant. Before I start this a closet grow and real budget at that just 1 60w fluorescent desk lamp and distilled water and just recently nutes(started at 10 weeks cause I've heard autos don't respond well to nutes I cannot afford 600w lamps carbon filters etc....... Ok so I have a auto White Russian and it is now on week 12 and I still haven't seen any buds. All the fan leaves have fallen and it looks like its working its way to the second sets of leaves next to the hairs I'm on my 12th week today and the site said 9 even tho I knew that wouldn't be likely I will add pics and I'm sure you guys will laugh but its really all I can afford at the moment my plant is pretty tall kinda like a beanstalk however i just want some input does it look healthy and is it normal that the 2nd set of leaves are curing up and stuff will it still flower if some of those 2nd leaves fall to any help would be very appreciated



Well-Known Member
Just open up any other thread here that has a plant growing and you should be able to tell that your plant is NOT what a healthy plant should look like. Not enough light and starving for food. Take this as constructive criticism, do not try to grow another again until you have read up a bit on how plants grow. You don't need a 600W to get started, but a 60W equivalent is probably only 13W actual, that not near enough. Light needs to be close, much brighter and of the proper color spectrum (Kelvin rating).


Well-Known Member
lol.. oh and nice triple post.. 9 posts and 3 of which are the same damn thing