Help with my babies 3 weeks


New Member
Hi all. This is my first grow

They are under a 1000w led grow light. I have added the heater today as the temp has dropped down to 18degrees celcius in the tent.

I have two plants one auto one not. Both from seed. They are 3 weeks old. The one on the right has gone really droopy. I put this to overwatering. The one on the left still seems perky but the lower leaves have gone yellow.

I have been watering them every 2 to three days. I have reppoted the right or today in some drier soil. The left one I am going to leave alone. Last watered 2 days ago at ph 6.

They are growing in canna terra professional



New Member
The one on the right has really perked up since I switched him into a pot with dry soil. I assume that the left one will also recover I probably over watered both.image.jpg