Help with my growing


Well-Known Member
How can it be super soil in such a small pot?

The green veins suggest Mg deficiency but adding PK boost is probably why it looks this way..


Well-Known Member
No i give them super roots pk13/14
Super soil
And BN-Zym
That's your problem. You're feeding them nothing but P/K. Plants need nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, etc... in flower. You might have started out with a good super soil but with pots that small you've likely depleted much of what was in it. Feeding just phosphorus and potassium can cause problems. You need to feed a balanced feed throughout the course of the plants life.

You're too far along to do anything to make a difference at this point. But for future grows you should feed a complete nutrient from start to finish.

Also, with a decent supersoil you shouldn't need to add anything. But those pots are pretty small to be depending on supersoil to feed your plants. If you feed properly from start to finish you can grow monsters in pots that size using soil. I've done it but they need to be fed properly or else you'll have issues like you're having now.

Just ride that out and start focusing on your next grow. Good luck.
