Help With Nematodes

Was wondering if anyone has any experience using Nematodes?

I bought some a couple of months ago because I was infested with fungus gnats and applied them to my soil, but they didn't seem to do much.

I figured I got a bad batch or i didn't apply them properly.

At the time, my soil had a layer of sand over it for gnat control. I tried digging a hole through it to get the water directly to the soil.

Anyone know how to properly use these little critters? And can they go through sand, or do i need to remove it?

I just bought another batch but am waiting to find out what is the best way to apply them


Well-Known Member
Well if you still have gnats do this, first throw away what you bought, second, get the yellow sticky things and put them up all around the bases of your plants. Dont be skidish load up make it a wall of sorts. Than here is the kicker, get potatoes from the store, cut 2 inch by 2 inch pieces and put at least two at the base of your stalk, right in the media. The sticky stuff will kill the adults and they are addicted to the potaoe slices and will lay their larve on them instead of your media. Worst case if you have hundreds of them they will all be gone in three days. Change the potatoe slices three times a day. NEVER FAILS BROTHER AND I ACCEPT REP LOL. Good luck
Well if you still have gnats do this, first throw away what you bought, second, get the yellow sticky things and put them up all around the bases of your plants. Dont be skidish load up make it a wall of sorts. Than here is the kicker, get potatoes from the store, cut 2 inch by 2 inch pieces and put at least two at the base of your stalk, right in the media. The sticky stuff will kill the adults and they are addicted to the potaoe slices and will lay their larve on them instead of your media. Worst case if you have hundreds of them they will all be gone in three days. Change the potatoe slices three times a day. NEVER FAILS BROTHER AND I ACCEPT REP LOL. Good luck
Thank You and you've been repped! I'm on it now!