Help with PH!


Active Member
For a month or so now i think i have had a slight PH problem, and have posted in here before about a problem that i thought was a nute deficiency.

It appears to be a calcium/magnesium deficiency when you look at the plant (leaves are green, but have rusty spots on the leaves and the tips of leaves have tiny spots of a slightly lighter green) - Only in the upper part of the plant!

However, my tap PH is 7.8 so i think the problem could lie in the PH side of things...
I have looked at a PH graph already and it shows that the PH being over 6.5 wouldnt lock either calcium or magnesium out?! I'm slightly confused seeing as the PH levels of my water are ridiculously high and that calcium or magnesium wouldnt be being locked out? Does anyone have an idea of what could be going on here? I'm pretty sure that it's the PH now but can a PH that's too high lock out calcium or magnesium?

The other problem is, is once i know how much PH down solution to add to tap water, then how would i know if my budding nutes would chuck the PH off? I can't use the PH testing kit with the nutrients added as its one of those paper testing kits and i'm using bio-bloom which has a very dark brown colour to it. If i had a rough idea of how to go about this then i could try and PH correct my nutrients instead of chucking the PH off even more than it is!

Cheers for any help people, i appreciate the time you give to answer these posts!


Well-Known Member
You can't pH your water before adding nutes. Pointless it is. 7.8 is just too high. It doesn't matter what it's locking out or not. I'll bet your dissolved solids are very high as well. Your water has a lot of calcium in it very likely.

pictures really help. Even though your spelling is awesome! :D


Active Member
Sorry i think i have realised my problem... Manganese. it can be locked out when the PH is too high. does anybody aggree that it could be this? all that i need to solve now is checking the ph is correct with coloured nutrients


Active Member
You can't pH your water before adding nutes. Pointless it is. 7.8 is just too high. It doesn't matter what it's locking out or not. I'll bet your dissolved solids are very high as well. Your water has a lot of calcium in it very likely.

pictures really help. Even though your spelling is awesome! :D
i'm thinking it could be locking out the manganese. and thats exactly the problem i've got; is checking the ph once the nutes have been added. anyone got any suggestions?

South Texas

Well-Known Member
When using a 100% Organic program, there is no PH problem, root-lock problem, burning, all that man-made shit/problems your having. Even the Plant's cell tissue is weak/watery, and the Chems kills the Plant's natural Immunity system which will attract pest & virius, etc. See Dirt, Library, Synthic Ferts, and all the other good info on his site. Good Luck.


Active Member
When using a 100% Organic program, there is no PH problem, root-lock problem, burning, all that man-made shit/problems your having. Even the Plant's cell tissue is weak/watery, and the Chems kills the Plant's natural Immunity system which will attract pest & virius, etc. See Dirt, Library, Synthic Ferts, and all the other good info on his site. Good Luck.
Brilliant, cheers for that mate! I'm using organic nutes anyway. So i can correct the water first, then add the nutes as it shouldnt affect the PH? Thanks for all of the help with this, and hopefully lowering my PH should solve my problems from now on!