Help with plant sexing needed please


Ok, i'm loosing my mind. Sooooo much to learn, Some have said male with this plant others have said female, that what i'm pointing out are new stalks/branches or flowers because of the hairs coming out of them. It does seem like the other ones have turned to flowers. it is week 6 of 12/12, jack the ripper strain, some say that this strain grows funny. I'm soooo confused. could some on please help with this?
i dont want to pollinate my blue dreams..... I'm working on learning and need some wisdom here... TY.



Well-Known Member
if thats what they look like at 6 weeks of flowering id kill em anyways, what are u gonna harvest, a blunt?....LOL, jk...theyre females


Active Member
Nothing in those pictures make me believe those are anything but female plants. Anyone who would say otherwise and is either messing with you or really have no clue.


Well-Known Member
The female part you have circled in red is what we like to call pre-flowers. They are usually the first "flowers" to show. I sex my plants by looking for them when they first appear ~3-5 weeks into grow.


Well-Known Member
they may look behind for week 6... but i've grown worse... infact puts my green-house grow to shame .....oh and yeah all girl if you ask em