help with plant size


Well-Known Member
anyone have any problems with the plant getting to bushy and not growing verticially much ? i got a cluster fuck of leaves coming out of a 8 inch plant and a 12 inch plant i did top them once stems are nice and thick support isnt an issue but leaves are getting tangled and covering other newer leaves and new tops so maybe they arent getting adequite light?


Well-Known Member
sorry guess i didnt leave much information, they are clones one from june 22 one from june 26th , they are the only two plants in a 6 site dwc , 7 gallons of distilled water ph steady at 5.8 water tmp 77.8 ppm 883 week 2 fox farm nutes Grow big and Big Bloom , also fucked up gave them a half dose of cal-mag with a half dose of epsom salts , no new nute burn yet and tommorow is my res change day so i think i may flush for 2 days with phd distilled water, i do have a few leaves that have rust spots about midway up on the plant that kinda looked like a defiency havent seen any new infected leaves since then . i know my res temp is high but roots look good and i see no slime and there is no foul smell so i havent worried about it. i plan on ordering some hydrogaurd sooner or schedule has been on for 24/7 other then 2 6 hr dark periods when they had some heat stress i adjusted my lights and havent had an issue since .... im using a 8u 250w cfl 6500k theres 2 of them in my grow room one on some newer clones and one directly on the two older plants about 6 inches away ,

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
If you want to make them into nice bushes try Low Stress Training and top them again from each end. You said you topped so im assuming you have to colas going by now depending on how long it has being, i would wait until your 2 main colas have at least 2 nodes for them to grow up towards the light. keep in mind you might have to extend your begging period. once from there feel free to keep on the LST techniques on your new colas and supercrop them as well ( it's a must for me ). they should get nice and bushy in 2-4weeks. goodluck yo stay lifted. :bigjoint::peace::leaf: - LST - Supercropping


Well-Known Member
lol yea i dont think ur understanding if things stay as is there will be no need for super cropping (im familiar with the technique) my problem is that the plants are too bushy and the cola's are having trouble reaching the top. im glad they arent stretching tall and thin but this is ridiculous ill post some pics in a little while so u can see what im dealing with , good lighting to the whole plant seems almost impossible,, could this be from too much big bloom and not enough grow big? im flushing right now and will continue that untill sunday , due to the cal-mag and epsom salt problem , then i will mix in my week 3 vegging nutes till next sunday when i due my res change again , right now my older clones are in phd distilled water , and younger clones in week 1 fox farm nutes , roots just broke thru the net cup just waiting to see some new growth so i can relax


Well-Known Member
i mainly just want to get all the colas to the top of the plant but dont feel like they are getting enuff light to thrive when i raise my light cuzz the bigger fan leave block them

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
I've never grown with CFLs before but i feel that it's the lights, your plants are having trouble growing to it's potential with the spectrum you're providing. You could raise them up for the plant to stretch out more, or it just might be the strain. I can also see you might be overwatering.


Well-Known Member
im running dwc not really sure how id overwater unless i just have to many airstones in my res i have 2 pumps pusshing 2 12inch airstones and one 10
inch airstone


Well-Known Member
supposively blue dream but in all honesty its just a bag seed of some weed that wasnt cured very good this is just a test run to see how it went before i invested anymore then i already have