Help with Preflowering!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey rollitup, i have a question about my plant that has been in preflower for about 2 weeks and some of the pistils are turning brown. some have normal white pistils and some have brown. is it a bad thing. is my plant not going to flower? sorry no camera good enough to take up close pics.


Well-Known Member
That's normal. When the plant starts to flower you'll see the buds do the same thing as the plant ages.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Your plant will bud up nicely, don't worry. These are extremely hardy and reliable plants :weed:

I've had more than usual white hairs browning early this year. I think it's due to the heat/drought. It's abated somewhat and I'm looking at more seasonable weather. Hope you are, too.


New Member
Your plant will bud up nicely, don't worry. These are extremely hardy and reliable plants :weed:

I've had more than usual white hairs browning early this year. I think it's due to the heat/drought. It's abated somewhat and I'm looking at more seasonable weather. Hope you are, too.
im here on this one because for a minute of growth those pistols look almost wet in white. then a couple weeks later they start to look, orange, then brown, and they stay that way trust me haha. i just watched out a 10 week veg. and i thought i was killing those pistols cause i wasnt usefully flowering as she wouldve desired.
but now 7 days into flower on the plant ive got those milky wet looking pistols again
i also have a trainwreck thats got huge pistols i'll watch and see what exactly does it to them if i can catch and if this plant also does it :)

Mr Roboto

Well-Known Member
brown after 2 weks of preflowers could me a lot of it on all the pre flowers? is it only in an isolated area?


Active Member
Preflowers, even in veg, will brown up eventually. If a preflower gets pollen on it, it can produce a seed for each preflower that gets hit with the pollen.


Active Member
I preflowered on every plant this year so I switched to maxsea 16/16/16 so the nutes could be taken up very fast so it would revert.
It did and each plant has 300 tops now as the micro buds grew out.

I lost some veg time but still they are all going to be fine.

I pre flowered in late June when we got a large dark cloud covering that lasted a few weeks!
All my neighbors got it also, first time for me but I survived with plenty of grow.

I had all manner of brown hairs I think and single leafs that looked like spinach!