Help with sf 1000 settings recommendations


My space is 2'x3.5',and it's just to start things. I don't plan on trying to finish anything. With so much going on i needed a light that would veg my area better. So, yeah... To make things more confusing........ I have too much going on in there with a prop tray with rooters, some young seedlings ,and some 5 week old photos and autos. The auto's are starting to flower. The prop tray and my seedlings I had arranged along the L&R sides, and the 5 week olds are in the center. I hung the light as high as i could without lowering my platform just yet. The light was @ 40% , and 20-24" off the top of the 5 week old's which put it @ 30-35" away from the prop tray and seedlings to the sides at a 45 angle. Everywhere I look I see varying opinions on how to run the light, and at 5 this morning i tore it down, and rehung my 8 bulb t5 for some peace of mind till i get some real world input. So, if anyone can steer me in a safe direction it'd be much appreciated.
I have a manual. To me that kinda seems like one opinion of many. I mean, it's not specific to what I'm growing, and that led me to do a I search. It also doesn't mention if the distance they are suggesting are at 100% power. I assume since they don't mention the dimmer setting is on full power. Assuming can bite you in the azz, and along those lines my internet search shows suggestions of 40 to 50% power with seedlings at those distances. Also, with my seedlings and prop tray to my very outside edges of the 3.5 space it isn't going to be near as strong as the numbers at the edge of the 2' footprint they show on their strength chart. Are they basing those distances from straight above inside the 2' footprint? So many variables including the brood I have going.
I don't blame you for asking, It is 100%. From my manual
I set my 2019 model SF 4000 hang height 36" in veg.
To be more accurate you need a light meter and adjust
light intensity setting to the recommended chart
Avg. Light Intensity. I need a good light meter myself.


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I don't blame you for asking, It is 100%. From my manual
I set my 2019 model SF 4000 hang height 36" in veg.
To be more accurate you need a light meter and adjust
light intensity setting to the recommended chart
Avg. Light Intensity. I need a good light meter myself.

Thanks for taking the time to help. Much appreciated!