Help with understanding when to prepare for harvest


Active Member
Ok, I understand the trich colors, clear/cloudy/amber but how can you estimate the time remaining? Growing in DWC, I plan to flush one week before harvesting. How does one determine that there's one week left before the trichs are 50% amber and not two?

Also, I know that flushing is debatable, but when I do figure out how to estimate when there is one week left, I was planning to flush with only botanicare sweet for 4 days and then clearex for 2 days with those last 2 days in total darkness. Is this a bad idea? Any suggestions/tips?


Active Member
I usually try to harvest about a week after I see cloudy trichs begin. That means that most are cloudy and some are amber by the time I harvest.

I would not leave them growing for the last two days in the dark.

I can see why you would want to do this. I agree with the principal, but I would do it after they are cut.

I would keep my normal lighting schedule but when you get done with the wet trim (if mold isn't a problem) then keep it cold and completely dark for your two days. The starches will become sugars and they, along with the chlorophyl, will dissipate. Then dry as you would, the "curing" is done. I quickly dry mine after the first 48-hours of dark/cold. I use a dehumidifier and a heater and get it done in a couple more days. I've been doing this with my hydro for about a decade and my "cure" is perfect every time. I've never had that harshness or chemical taste that so many post about. I got this method from a so-called famous pot author of yester-century. I was skeptical, but it worked so I kept doing it. Good luck....
well differen strains vary alot of it has to do with the grower and the experiance sorry im not to helpful here but your plan sounds good myfriend.... im sure someone here can help more than me.......peace

The Ruined

Active Member
People say a swell, people say trics, but to be 100% honest it's up to you.

I've completed two grows and neither plant ever "swelled" neither plant ever got amber trics while growing (they Ambered when drying)

I grew both plants 2 weeks past recommended flowering times and one was a sativia Dom and other Indica Dom. In my honest opinion there is a lot of very bad and just plain wrong advice on this website. Good luck.


Active Member
People say a swell, people say trics, but to be 100% honest it's up to you.

I've completed two grows and neither plant ever "swelled" neither plant ever got amber trics while growing (they Ambered when drying)

I grew both plants 2 weeks past recommended flowering times and one was a sativia Dom and other Indica Dom. In my honest opinion there is a lot of very bad and just plain wrong advice on this website. Good luck.
Never heard that before. Hmmm

Anyone else with input/tips? What about my flush? Is it a good idea?


Well-Known Member
if you don't know the strain well, you won't be able to forecast. they are all quite different