help with water analysis report calmax or not?


Well-Known Member
hi been struggling for a while now with this.
do i need calmag sup or not
400 hps cooltube
20 ltr dwc buckets
canna aqua vega + flora

for the last 5 grows at week 4 to 5 from seed plants start getting calcium def and mag def almost certain thats what it is but add calmax at all different ppms and doesnt seem to help?
ph is Always IN RANGE.

ppms rising or falling had both and still no difference?

anyway help with the report here it is

Water quality details
ParameterMinAverageMaxUnitsRegulatory StandardNumber of samples% failed
Aluminium<3.31<11.833.1µg Al/l200360.00
Ammonium (ammonia and ammonium ions)0.0064<0.00760.0090mg NH4/l0.5170.00
Antimony0.100<0.130<0.140µg Sb/l580.00
Arsenic0.1200.2090.290µg As/l1080.00
Boron0.00420.01350.0270mg B/l1360.00
Bromate<0.0910<0.259<0.470µg BrO3/l1090.00
Cadmium<0.0200<0.0275<0.0300µg Cd/l580.00
Calcium17.023.041.5mg Ca/l360.00
Chloride5.6115.643.4mg Cl/l250360.00
Chromium0.05000.1390.200µg Cr/l5080.00
Residual chlorine - Total0.200.670.99mg/l970.00
Residual chlorine - Free0.130.610.95mg/l970.00
Colony Counts after 2 days at 37 deg C0013number/1ml370.00
Colony counts after 3 days at 22 deg C0131number/1ml370.00
Coliform bacteria000number/100ml0970.00
Colour0.4901.261.95mg/l Pt/Co scale20360.00
Conductivity133174273uS/cm at 20oC2500170.00
Copper<0.0010<0.00430.0142mg Cu/l280.00
Clostridium perfringens (including spores)000number/100ml0370.00
Cyanide<0.698<1.327.97µg CN/l50360.00
Fluoride0.0100<0.02840.0500mg F/l1.5360.00
Total hardness202861mg Ca/l360.00
Iron<2.15<4.8820.8µg Fe/l200360.00
Lead<0.0500<0.3941.14µg Pb/l1080.00
Magnesium1.733.1511.9mg Mg/l360.00
Manganese<0.210<0.5141.36µg Mn/l50360.00
Mercury<0.0100<0.01790.0890µg Hg/l1360.00
Nickel<0.310<0.4600.620µg Ni/l2080.00
Nitrite<0.0016<0.0016<0.0016mg NO2/l0.580.00
Nitrate1.241.593.06mg NO3/l5080.00
(Nitrate)/50 plus (nitrite)/30.02300.03130.0610mg/l180.00
Odour (quantitative)000dilution number at 25oC0330.00
Total organic carbon0.6201.282.67mg C/l360.00
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (sum of 4 PAHs)0.00000.00000.0000µg/l0.170.00
Pesticides - Total0.00000.00160.138µg/l0.51330.00
Hydrogen ion (pH)7.037.558.07pH value9.5740.00
Radioactivity gross alpha<0.0200<0.0205<0.0354Bq/l0.1300.00
Radioactivity gross beta<0.0200<0.04390.374Bq/l1300.00
Selenium<0.0500<0.1110.280µg Se/l1080.00
Sodium8.7910.211.6mg Na/l20080.00
Sulphate27.669.8152mg SO4/l250360.00
Taste (quantitative)000dilution number at 25oC0330.00
Trihalomethanes - Total27.836.144.5µg/l10090.00
Tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene0.00000.00000.0000µg/l1090.00

i understand the numbers and stuff and this suggests very very soft water??? am i right???


Chart is in mg/l MIN AVERAGE and MAX amounts of each salt
and this is the summary report little easier to understand if u ask me

AnalysisTypical ValueUK/EU limitUnits
Hardness LevelVery Soft
Hardness Clarke4.900Clarke
Aluminium<11.8200µg Al/l
Calcium23.0mg Ca/l
Residual chlorine - Total0.67mg/l
Residual chlorine - Free0.61mg/l
Coliform bacteria00number/100ml
Colour1.2620mg/l Pt/Co scale
Conductivity1742500uS/cm at 20oC
Copper<0.00432mg Cu/l
Iron<4.88200µg Fe/l
Lead<0.39410µg Pb/l
Magnesium3.15mg Mg/l
Manganese<0.51450µg Mn/l
Nitrate1.5950mg NO3/l
Sodium10.2200mg Na/l
canna aqua is for midrange water hardness, yours is definitely softer than that. You may be better off using canna hydro vega/flores for softwater.
ok i will check it out whats different just the calcium / magnesium content? trying to understand it better tbh
cause i can get hold of mono nutes from canna calcium and magnesium in seperate bottles? i trying to get a perfect plant if u will?
perfect healthy leaves.
when i was doing a wilma dwc top tray drilled my plants was HEALTHY no purp stems or nothing and only change was to full dwc??
and my water ppm use to be 200 then water pipes got changed in area but switched to full dwc same time as water pipes got done and now water ppm is 60.
tried adding calmax back upto 200 but no difference in plant
arrggghhhhhh stressing my self out now over this heads hurting
aqua was designed for the water in holland which is slightly hard to hard. If you have the guaranteed analysis of the aqua i can tell you exactly what the difference is to the canna hydro (softwater)
aye, it`ll be on the back, doesnt matter if you look on the A or B bottle, the analysis is combined A+B. The vega will be different to the flores of course ;)
of course lol getting it now problem persists in flower to so take it what ever is missing is not in the flora either.
this is like 6th batch doing this funny spotting rust holy symptons like cal def???
and slow growth from here on seems to happen and follows into flower and through on till end spreading up plant.
whats strange tho is it seems to start on 1st set of leaves and spreads up to middle fans then new growth??
calcium starts in new growth all the textbooks i read say.
It must be a mobile element, the plant robs oldest leaves first, and works upwards until it runs out of leaves to rob. At a guess i`d say the issue is likely an imbalance created by the higher levels of micronutrients in the aqua (geared for hard water) with the soft water.
There`s quite a few differences between the aqua and hydro, most are due to the aqua being formulated for harder water. The higher ammonium (NH4) % is commonly used to control ph. The mix of DTPA and EDDHA Fe is more stable at higher ph.
Here`s the numbers for the Canna hydro vega and flores (soft water version) so you can compare all the differences. Note the micro`s % remains the same for both the hydro vega and flores, Silicon (Si) doesnt figure in the hydro.

Canna Hydro Vega (soft water)
6.0% N (total)
0.4% N (NH4)
5.6% N (No3)
2.1% P2O5
7.7% K2O
4.1% Ca
0.9% Mg
0.8% S
0.007% B
0.001% Cu
0.021% Fe (DTPA)
0.014% Mn
0.002% Mo
0.007% Zn

Canna Hydro Flores (soft water)

5.3% N (total)
0.3% N (NH4)
5.0% N (No3)
3.1% P2O5
9.6% K2O
3.4% Ca
0.9% Mg
1.2% S
0.007% B
0.001% Cu
0.021% Fe (DTPA)
0.014% Mn
0.002% Mo
0.007% Zn
hydro vega.JPG
hydro flores.JPG
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i think i see the problem there is 2 percent more calcium in the hydro than the aqua which makes sense as the hydro for soft water contains more calcium as it wouldnt be present in the base water i understand that but i thought calcium was an immobile nutrient? moves in the transpiration flow and stays put once placed in leaf tissue?
my head is kinda baffled now ??
can lack of calcium cause another mobile nutrient to be locked out mg maybe?? i think this is what i am seeing???
An excess of one element can mess with another. For instance excessive Cu will mess with Mn and Fe, excessive Mn or Zn will mess with Fe. If you have a micronute issue and treat it as a calcium def, the extra Ca is more likely to make things worse than better ;)
.Have a google for something called "Mulder`s chart" which will show you how the various elements interact
i know your telling me lol but my brain wont grasp the concept of my aqua has less ca than the hydro soft water that you posted so that says to me that by switching to hydro soft water i am upping the ca content of the nutrient formula.
but your telling me that it is this

(It must be a mobile element, the plant robs oldest leaves first, and works upwards until it runs out of leaves to rob. At a guess i`d say the issue is likely an imbalance created by the higher levels of micronutrients in the aqua (geared for hard water) with the soft water)

an imbalance of the micro nutrients and that qoute

If you have a micronute issue and treat it as a calcium def, the extra Ca is more likely to make things worse than better

but by switching to hydro softwater i will be adding more calcium to pretty much the same formula as aqua but with extra calcium?

i dont mean to argue i know u are only helping me but somewere not getting it?? or am i right in saying the above or does it not work that way?

sorry for all questions im just trying to learn.