

Active Member
That looks like a nute burn, my plants leaves only wrinkled when they had heat stress but with ur temperatures at 97 degrees it is probably some heavy heat stress. Take the temp down to around 75 to 80 and then see if that fixes ur problem if not then it is to much nutes

Nepaljam x Oaxaca

Active Member
what type of nutes are you useing? specific npk? any suppliments or hormones?

keep the temp at 78F for the whole growth cycle. that is the optimal tem for cannabis plants. helps them grow, absorb and process co2 and nutes, and prevents evaporation from the leaves. sharp changes in temp will stress and shock marijuana plants. try to monato and maintainr the temp and never let in change too drasticly.


Active Member
I'm using GH flora series at 1/8 strength got feed for the first time on Tuesday but it started show this today


Active Member
the plant was a month old on tuesday.... So, did i use the nuts too soon or should i have diluted even more?


Active Member
cool the room down wait a few days if it does not spread you have your answer. does your soil have nutes in it to start?


Active Member
definitely not heat stress my temps are always 89 degrees + where i live in australia i can't help it. they've been like this the past few months and never seen anything like this.. just some wrinkled leaves here and there.