

Any suggestions on my setup would be appreciated so I have my 600w hps light with ducking hooked up to the hood and ran to my exhaust fan and vented out more ducting into the carbon filter which I have placed on my roof of the tent and I’m also having trouble with getting the humidity to rise it’s ably at about 20%


So this is my set up right now my carbon filter is on the outside of the tent does it look correct I leave the bottom air vents open during the day cycle Nd close them at the night cycle so no light gets in but I’m haveing a hard time controlling the temp Nd humidity



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Staff member
Any suggestions on my setup would be appreciated so I have my 600w hps light with ducking hooked up to the hood and ran to my exhaust fan and vented out more ducting into the carbon filter which I have placed on my roof of the tent and I’m also having trouble with getting the humidity to rise it’s ably at about 20%
Put your carbon filter on the other side of the fan so your fan is pulling not pushing.


Well-Known Member
Your hygro should be placed level with your canopy. There are multiple micro climates in your grow tent.


Well-Known Member
I also agree with putting your carbon on the inlet side of your fan. If your lights,or ducting leak it will be back in to the tent due to positive pressure. It will prevent odor loss and less restrict your fan.


So I’m still having trouble with getting the humidity to get above 25% wat else can I do I have a humidifier in there


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters supposedly work better with air pulling through then out
Having the filter outside the tent also means that it's dirty air being pulled/pushed through the hood. Very bad idea not to scrub the air before sending it through the hood.


So put the filter on the inside Nd will that help with humidity I’m still only In the first 2 weeks of veg cycle but I wanna get everything right I’m in a 5x5 tent


Well-Known Member
So put the filter on the inside Nd will that help with humidity I’m still only In the first 2 weeks of veg cycle but I wanna get everything right I’m in a 5x5 tent
Likely not, but it will prevent the glass in the hood from becoming filthy. Even a small amount of particles in the air that sticks to the glass reduces efficiency of the light.

You could simply humidify the room the tent is in.

Also, once you get a bunch of plants going in veg, that should raise the humidity a bit as well.