I was just wondering what’s best to do. Should I try something to get more light into the middle or should I just leave them. These are 3/4 week autos. It’s just my second grow so advice is appreciated
What’s your light set up now?I was just wondering what’s best to do. Should I try something to get more light into the middle or should I just leave them. These are 3/4 week autos. It’s just my second grow so advice is appreciated
Since you ask, the probable answer is - Add more light.I was just wondering what’s best to do. Should I try something to get more light into the middle or should I just leave them. These are 3/4 week autos. It’s just my second grow so advice is appreciated
What’s your light set up now?
I always say if you can put more light in there then hell yes, If you can maintain temp and airflow properly.i have a 600w ballast mate. It goes to 660 tho.
Add clip fans in thereYeh the issue is getting temp down I’m really struggling atm. I’m just happy if I can keep it under 29 centigrade tbh mate. It was as a brand new bulb too so it caught me out compared to my last one.