
Why does this not have jagged edges?
more info on the plant. before anyone tells you this is you know if it has been re-vegged?
Oh idk . This plant is something I didn't even expect or want. I want it now but had no clue it would be here till about a month ago. It's from a Hispanic man's yard plants . He was smoking last summer so idk why this summer would be any different. Re vegged? I imagine not. I didn't do a thing and so no. How or can I do that? Ty for your answer.
Doesn't even look like a cannabis plant, and definitely 0 signs of a re vegged cannabis plant.

do you have more pictures?
0 signs?



  • clone-of-budding-plant-reveg.jpeg
    59.3 KB · Views: 9
  • re-veg-monster-crop.jpeg
    108.9 KB · Views: 9
Yeah 0 signs. Maybe you should stick to posting links from bugbee instead of trying to help with something you haven’t the slightest clue about
oh dude...i never said it was - as always the illiterate burger king idiot. arent you a lil old for not knowing how to read?, i asked if the person knew. cus rounded leaves is a sign (never assured it was or anything). thats all. but sure ill keep posting bugbee links. and you keep being the ass that you are, a Remo sucker.
0 signs?

So master copy and paster

if you look at the revegging plat pictures you’ll see single blade leaves. This dude has 7

Grow a plant at least before you try and help other new members out with problems
oh dude...i never said it was - as always the illiterate burger king idiot. arent you a lil old for not knowing how to read?, i asked if the person knew. cus rounded leaves is a sign (never assured it was or anything). thats all. but sure ill keep posting bugbee links. and you keep being the ass that you are, a Remo sucker.

Hows the Remo doing kiddo?
