

ive got 2 plants in my grow room that i veged for 8 weeks in the greenhouse both are very healthy looking and have been on 12/12 for 2 weeks. the tops are nearly touching the ceiling now about 7 ft high, can i train them to grow sideways ? ps bot grown from a bag of thai.
Think you gonna have to do summit mate! Lol. As far as i am aware any training is supposed to be done pre flowering stage. But if you have no option i think you gonna have to tie them down, they still gonna grow quite a bit.
yeah man-always start to LST them in vegge state of grow.but weed is really stong and tough plant and i think you can still tie it down 4 the topp, just be shure you do not brake it.also, if you want to keep them shorter, then in vegge or pre flowering state-topp them or pinch them-then you get more bushier plant, and in some strains, like blueberry-it can increase the overall yields.

keep it up man....
Take the back of your left hand and allow the plant to use your fingers to sit on as you gently pull it down with your right hand. That way your plant can gently bend across fingers.
I do it all the time in flower. Buds will grow towards the light.
What I had to do with my Thai was pull it to a 45 and tie it to a 2x4x24 so it strecged under 2 1000hps. Such a bitch that thai is.
ya your gonna have to tie it down. i wonder if a plant would grow if you put it on its side off the ground with light on all sides?

start a few more plants and practice some low stress training on those little bitches. you will get more yield and the plant wont grow as huge but it will produce more