
mr stoner

hey guys...

need help again..plant is just over 2 weeks old....fed a 1/4 of the recomended dosage of grow big mixed a gallon of water....leaves looking a little droopy...any advice?bongsmiliebongsmilie


New Member
dude with nO pic u could say your plant is fuckuped because i sat on it get them pics and we will be happy to help


Well-Known Member
hey a few ?'s for you,
what type of light do you have?
what is your ph and what type of soil are you using?
and also were the leaves droopy befor you watered?


Well-Known Member
You are over watering.

Also, get a fan on her to get a thicker, stronger steam. Maybe add a little more top soil to reinforce her skinny legs.

mr stoner

hey a few ?'s for you,
what type of light do you have?
what is your ph and what type of soil are you using?
and also were the leaves droopy befor you watered?

im using a 250 watt mh and the soil is FFOF. ph is around 6.8 and no the leaves were not droopy before i waterd. i used 1/4 of grow big in one gallon water


Well-Known Member
i dont know how close your light is , but with a 250w you can put that light as close as a few inches away...
ph and soil is good..
so bigv sounds correct they could just be a little water logged..

in the future dont water untill your leaves start to droop, this is a good sign that they are ready to feed..
in your case its the opposite end.. no worries just let it dry out and youll be fine