
Hello pot smokers,
Heres my prob, I am noticing that the fan leaves are very droopy and the stems on the fan leaves are purple is this norm? Buds look good i just checked them and the trichs are still clear no red or amber yet.

Could this mean my plants are dying? I am worried about temps its cold out they are indoors but i don't have a thermometer near them. Can plants adapt to colder temps?
I am talking 60s or possible 50s.

Also maybe they are just droopy because they are so big and i am worried for nothing i don't know what do you all think?

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Purple leaf stems is usually a genetic trait. However, if they never had purple stems before then P deficiency can cause some stem reddening. Lowering the temps can cause the plant to try to finish flowering sooner because winter is coming. This is good when the buds are almost done but bad if they aren't. As temps get lower, growth will slow down until it gets cold enough for the plant to start dying. If the cold was causing the droopyness, then warming them should cause them to perk up.