

New Member
When should i place my plants/seedlings under a 250watt metal halide, worried if i put them under too early they might die?? any advice and is it true for growing in rockwool all you have to use for the first week of growth is water obviously at the correrct Ph.
Please help as i have lost most of my seeds and seedling already and now im presently germinating my last five seeds so i want to make sure this time........
I also have one previous attempt (2 days old) still alive but slightly drooping "its been 1 meter under my 250 watt at 30 degrees and i have now reduced that to 26 degrees, 1.25 meters from plant to bulb and watered adequately "... so im remaining optimistic.... any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeh you can put ya seedlings under a 250 watt mh but make sure you keep it 24"above um at first then after the first week you can start lowering it bit by bit and at the 3rd week you can have it 10"inches above ya plants,i know that from personal experience!i dont know about rockwool so i cant answer that question!


Well-Known Member
oh,and make sure you mist ya plants regulary coz under a mh light they can dry out quickly.


Well-Known Member
yeh you should just spray a little water on um a few times a day,its not so important to do that when there older!the misting help to cool um down abit plus it stops um from drying out (which can happen quick when under a mh light)and it simulates fairly high humidity which seedlings like!sorry i cant answer your question about rockwool but thats coz i go straight from germination to soil.


Well-Known Member
its all good,yeh same to you too,try to get a gentle breeze blowing over ya plants just to help um cope with the mh light!its not a must,but it helps.


Active Member
you really dont have to mist the plants at all in the beginning, it can cause burn spots on the leaves due to the water spots magnifying the light. Just place a fan on low in your grow spot and you should be all set. Misting the plants is for folier feeding with 1/4 strength nutes.